4/25/19 - NEW STORY! "The Pool" (A Short Story) will be published May 1, 2019 exclusively for members of my Patreon page.
You can become a member for as low as $1, and receive a new story every month. Join today and you'll receive "The Pool" on May 1st, plus access to all stories previously posted. There's also options for audiobooks, podcasts, SIGNED books and all kinds of goodies so get yourself over there and have a looksie! Visit:
4/25/19 - I can officially confirm that the next issue of Cemetery Dance Magazine featuring my NEW short story, "Orange Grove Court," will be released THIS SUMMER! What's more, here's a look at the cover.
If anyone had told me three years ago that my name would be on the cover of Cemetery Dance Magazine, I'm not sure I would have believed them! It is an absolute honor to have this story in a publication that has featured the likes of Stephen King, Richard Chizmar, Dean Koontz, Clive Barker, Ray Bradbury, Peter Straub, William Peter Blatty, and so many more.
I hope you enjoy getting to know the neighbors on Orange Grove Court as much as I did. They're good folks. ... Just be sure to keep an eye on your kids.
To subscribe to Cemetery Dance Magazine, click here.
4/24/19 - FREE READ! My story "The Road That Takes You There" has just been published by Cemetery Dance Publications as a FREE READ on their web site! To read, click here.

About Jason Sechrest

JASON SECHREST has been a published writer since he was 15 years old, when he began
his career as a staff writer for Femme Fatales Magazine, interviewing women of the horror,
science-fiction and fantasy genre.
In 2016, Jason Sechrest was hired by Stephen King’s publishers, Cemetery Dance Publications,
to write the monthly column “What I Learned From Stephen King”. In it, he explores the
wisdom, life lessons, and spirituality hidden within King’s many works.
In 2017, Sechrest sold his own first work of horror fiction to Cemetery Dance. His short story,
“Orange Grove Court,” will appear in the Summer 2018 issue of Cemetery Dance Magazine.
His second story, “Jonah Inside the Whale: A Meditation,” has been published by Scarlet
Galleon Publications in their paperback anthology, Fearful Fathoms: Collected Tales of
Aquatic Terror (Volume One), now a #1 Amazon bestseller. Paperback and Kindle edition are
both now available.

"Orange Grove Court" by Jason Sechrest
BIG NEWS! I am so excited to share with you that Stephen King's publishers at Cemetery Dance Publications have purchased my short horror story, "Orange Grove Court." The story will make its debut in the wonderful Cemetery Dance Magazine. What an honor to be published in a magazine that has featured the likes of Stephen King, Richard Chizmar, Dean Koontz, Clive Barker, Ray Bradbury, Peter Straub, William Peter Blatty, and many more.
I hope you'll enjoy getting to know the neighbors on Orange Grove Court as much as I did. They're good folks. Just be sure to keep an eye on your kids. Thank you Rich, Brian, Norman, and Blu for first reminding me of the dream I had as a 10 year old boy... and then for making it come true.

“What I Learned from Stephen King” is a Cemetery Dance Online exclusive series of articles by Jason Sechrest about the wisdom, spirituality and life lessons found within the works of Stephen King. Here are some of the most recent articles and highlights. For the full archive, click here.
Who Is The True Villain in Carrie?
Stephen King’s first novel Carrie debuted on April 5th, 1974 with little to no fanfare. One might say that, like the novel’s title character, Carrie was always destined to be a late bloomer. Shy to the spotlight, you might find Carrie hanging out at your local library or bookstore, sitting there all but invisible upon the shelf.
'Cujo' and Other Grown-Up Monsters
Considered to be one of his darkest works, Stephen King’s Cujo is not for the cowardly. It is relentless in its forward motion, coming at you “like a brick heaved through a window,” as King himself once described.
It’s frightening. It’s gruesome. It’s savage. It’s violent. is a blog dedicated to my own musings on the horror, suspense, sci-fi, and fantasy genre.
Here are some of my most recent articles and highlights.
A First Look at Stephen King & Bev Vincent's 'Flight or Fright'
I was delighted to receive this ARC (Advance Readers Copy) of Stephen King & Bev Vincent's 'Flight or Fright' anthology coming Sept 4 from Cemetery Dance Publications with audiobook release from Simon & Schuester Audio. While I have yet to make it through each story, I wanted to share as much as I am allowed to here without any spoilers along the way.
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Annette O'Toole Talks Stephen King's IT
Many may recognize Annette O’Toole from her more famous roles, such as Lana Lang in Superman III, or Clark Kent’s mother in the TV show, Smallville. An older generation might even know her as the tutor/girlfriend of Robby Benson in 1977’s One on One. But my introduction to Annette came from the 1990 miniseries adaptation of
Stephen King's IT.
Women in Horror: A Look Back at Femme Fatales Magazine
Here is the incredibly strange but entirely TRUE story of how I became a staff writer for Femme Fatales magazine at 15 years old, interviewing some of the most legendary women in horror.
In the Summer of 1993, I was 13 years old and spending my Summer vacation visiting my father in Indiana.....